New Roof to Ukrainian Family in Need in Iowa

Walter Roofing+Solar, a roofing and solar energy company in West Des Moines, Iowa, recently donated a new roof to a Ukrainian family in Lucas, Iowa. The family had been living in a house with a leaky roof, which caused significant damage and made the home unsafe to live in.

The family, who had immigrated to the United States from Ukraine as the bombings began, traveled around for months before calling Iowa home. Once they managed to purchase a home, they were unable to afford the repairs necessary to fix their roof. They had been living with the leaky roof, causing damage to the interior of their home and posing a risk to their health and safety.

When Walter Roofing+Solar learned about the family’s situation, they knew they had to help. The company donated all the materials and labor necessary to replace the roof on the family’s home, ensuring that the family would have a safe and secure place to live.

On top of the roof, they also replaced the siding as well.

According to the article from KCCI News, the family was extremely grateful for the donation. The father of the family said that they never would have been able to afford the repairs on their own and that the new roof would make a significant difference in their lives.

Committed To Giving Back To The Iowa Community

Walter Roofing+Solar is committed to giving back to the community and helping those in need. The company believes in the importance of supporting local families and making a positive impact on the world. The donation to the Ukrainian family in Lucas is just one example of the company’s commitment to giving back.

In conclusion, the donation of a new roof to the Ukrainian family in Lucas by Walter Roofing+Solar is a heartwarming example of the power of giving back. By providing the family with a safe and secure place to live, the company has made a significant impact on their lives. We hope that this act of kindness will inspire others to give back to their communities and make a positive impact in the world.

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